Ghanaian actress Nadia Buari has unveiled her colleague, Van Vicker as the father of her kids.
The video shared on the actress’ Instagram page has since been deleted.
She hinted to fans she was about to provide the answer to the question that has been bugging their minds for ages.
With Van Vicker’s backing the mother of four as she spoke, she said: “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, butter cakes, families; a lot of you have been asking me to reveal the identity of the father of my kids.
“Today, I have a surprise for you. Yes, you guessed right. I am about to reveal the man who gave me four adorable queens.
“Ladies and gentlemen drum roll…Tah dah!”
Immediately, the actor turned to face the camera and said: “Hello! Hello everybody.”
Van Vicker has a wife and children.